Tourist Attraction St Peters Cathedral Worms in Rhenish Hesse: Position on map

Webcams near the Tourist Attraction St Peters Cathedral Worms

St Peters Cathedral Worms
Worms - View over the city
Elevation: 105 m
The webcam is located in the city center of Worms. The view wanders from the Magnus Church, behind which the towers of the Worms Cathedral St....
7 hours ago
Worms City Panorama
Elevation: 105 m
Panoramic view over the city center of Worms. On the right you can see the Andreasstift. On the left side you can see the tower of the Magnus...
7 hours ago
St. Peter Cathedral - Worms
Elevation: 105 m
Enjoy the view from top of the St. Peter Catheral in Worms.
4 hours ago
Peregrine Falcon - St. Peter Cathedral
Elevation: 103 m
On top of the Cathedral in Worms you can see a nesting box for the peregrine falcons.
6 minutes ago

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Webcam Information

  • Around the Tourist Attraction St Peters Cathedral Worms, there are 4 webcams. The webcams fall into three groups, namely one live streaming webcam, one panoramic webcam und 2 further webcams.
  • The highest webcam (St. Peter Cathedral - Worms) is situated 105 metres above sea level, wheras the lowest webcam (Peregrine Falcon - St. Peter Cathedral) is situated 103 metres above sea level.
  • According to its visits, the webcam Worms - View over the city is the most popular one in the vicinity.
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