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Travel Guide Veneto

Gardaland is Italy's biggest fun park . Located directly at Lake Garda , Italy's biggest lake, it attracts plentiful visitors each year. The park offers...
Adult €55
Sen. €49
Lago di Garda is the largest lake in Italy, and stretches over the three provinces of Verona, Trient, and Brescia. The north is rather narrow, surrounded by high mountains , and especially popular with wind surfers and...
We all know it, the tragic love story of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It is said to have taken place here in Via Cappello 23 in Verona. You enter the...
Adult €12
Sen. €9
The palace is already impressive through its outward appearance, but the splendidly furnished rooms inside are even more fascinating. The ceilings captivate...
Adult €30
Child €15
Sen. €15
The Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo is located at Lake Garda. It is split up into a regular zoo where you walk through by foot and a Safari Park where you...
Adult €27
Sen. €22
Part of Italy’s largest amusement park called Gardaland is the Gardaland Sea Life Aquarium where old and young can explore the mystery of the seven...
Adult €12.50
St Mark's Basilica, or as the Italians call it Basilica di San Marco, is sited in the same named district San Marco and used to be the most significant...
Adult €6
At the east side of the Piazza Bra, the well-preserved amphitheatre, the Arena of Verona, is located. After the Colosseum in Rom and the Arena of...
Adult €10
Child €1
Sen. €7.50
The Canale Grande is almost 4 km (2.5 mi) long and the largest waterway in Venice. Therefore, it is the most important traffic route. The canal runs through the whole city and...
One of the highlights of the Basilica di San Zeno are the two side wings of the entrance gate. The bronze doors there are the most preserved of the entire...
Adult €4
The archaeological site Fumane Cave is located at Progni valley, a few kilometres north of Fumane in the Italian province of Verona. Archeaologists were...
Adult €8
Child €5
Sen. €7
From the outside, this famous church is very inconspicuous, mostly because its external façade was never completed. On the inside however, the...
Adult €4
Sen. €4
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